VCG - Flow Map Gradient



This Plugin contains several algorithms, allowing the computation of the FTLE, Gradient Field, Temporal Derivative, Strain Tensor and the Eigen Decomposition of the supplied vector field. For all algorithms the seed box scale and position as well as the integration paramaters can be specified.

This plugin contains the identical algorithm for FTLE computation as the standalone FTLE-Plugin.






SeedBoxSamples Specify the samples of the seeding grid, which spans from SeedBoxPosition to SeedBoxPosition + SeedBoxScale*Bounds. Sampling is performed uniformly. 10 10 10
SeedPosition Specify the the seeding box position of the seeding grid. 0.0 0.0 0.0
SeedScale Specify the seeding box scale of the seeding grid. 1.0 1.0 1.0
ComputeFTLE Perform FTLE computation on the specified grid. 1
ComputeGradient Perform Gradient computation on the specified grid. 0
ComputeTimeDerivative Compute the temporal derivative on the specified grid. 0
TimeOffset Offset for the numerical computation of the temporal derivative. 0.1
ComputeStrainTensor Compute the strain tensor on the specified grid. 0
ComputeEigenDecomposition Perform eigen decomposition of the data on the specified grid. 0
StartTime Initial time of trajectory integration. 0.0
AdvectionTime Integration is computed from StartTime to StartTime + AdvectionTime with steps StepSize. Set AdvectionTime and StepSize to negative values for backward integration. 1.0
StepSize Step size of integration. 0.1
Use CUDA Enable CUDA GPU-Acceleration. 0
BlockSize Block size for GPU computation. Seeds for the integration are copied in blocks of this size to the GPU, requiring together with the vector field data at least 8 blocks of available memory. 1000000
SpaceTimeInput Treat the third dimension as time. Only has an effect, if the input is 3-dimensional and not time-dependent. 0
BoundaryMode0 Set Boundary Mode for the first dimension. None will lead to trajectories leaving the scope, Wrap makes trajectories wrap around and Clamp will restrict particle trajectories.
  • None
  • Wrap
  • Clamp
BoundaryMode1 Set Boundary Mode for the second dimension. See desc. of first dimension.
  • None
  • Wrap
  • Clamp
BoundaryMode2 Set Boundary Mode for the third dimension. See desc. of first dimension.
  • None
  • Wrap
  • Clamp
BoundaryMode3 Set Boundary Mode for the fourth dimension. See desc. of first dimension.
  • None
  • Wrap
  • Clamp

Installation Instructions


Lutz Hofmann
