Welcome to the Visual Computing Group at Heidelberg University

The Visual Computing Group was founded in 2015 and is headed by Prof. Filip Sadlo. Our research interests include scientific visualization, volumetric rendering, information visualization, and computational photography, with a focus on proximity to physics and simulation. This page is under construction. Please see the News Page for status and progress.

Research Excerpt (Random Selection):

S. Heßel, O. Fernandes, S. Boblest, P. Offenhäuser, M. Hoffmann, A. Beck, T. Ertl, C. Glass, C.-D. Munz, F. Sadlo:

Visualization of 2D Wave Propagation by Huygens' Principle

In Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV), pp. 19–28, 2015.


We present a novel technique to visualize wave propagation in 2D scalar fields. Direct visualization of wave fronts is susceptible to visual clutter and interpretation difficulties due to space-time interference and global influence. To avoid this, we employ Huygens' pr... [More ...]


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