BibTeX Entry: Boblest2015frameworkDG
@incollection{Boblest2015frameworkDG, title = { Toward a Discontinuous {G}alerkin Fluid Dynamics Framework for Industrial Applications }, author = { Boblest, Sebastian and Hempert, Fabian and Hoffmann, Malte and Offenh{\"a}user, Philipp and Sonntag, Matthias and Sadlo, Filip and Glass, Colin W. and Munz, Claus-Dieter and Ertl, Thomas and Iben, Uwe }, booktitle = { Proceedings of High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2015 }, publisher = { Springer International Publishing }, pages = { 531--545 }, year = { 2016 }, doi = { 10.1007/978-3-319-24633-8_34 }, }