BibTeX Entry: Lang2021tumourHeterogeneity
@article{Lang2021tumourHeterogeneity, title = { Tackling Tumour Cell Heterogeneity at the Super-Resolution Level in Human Colorectal Cancer Tissue }, author = { Lang, Fabian and Contreras-Gerenas, Mar\'ia F. and Gell\'eri, M\'arton and Neumann, Jan and Kr\"oger, Ole and Sadlo, Filip and Berniak, Krzysztof and Marx, Alexander and Cremer, Christoph and Wagenknecht, Hans-Achim and Allgayer, Heike }, journal = { Cancers }, volume = { 13 }, number = { 15 }, pages = { 3692 }, year = { 2021 }, doi = { 10.3390/cancers13153692 }, }