Lecture: Computer Graphics (Modul ICG)

[LSF] [MÜSLI] [Moodle]


2017-02-08: Exam 1 takes place Saturday, Februray 11, 2017, 14:00–15:45, in the lecture hall at INF 205 (ground floor, close to SR B).
2016-11-04: Due to the Teacher's day event, the lecture on Tuesday, November 08, 2016, takes place in OMZ (INF 350), room U014.
2016-10-25: We increased the number of admissible participants for the exercise slots within MÜSLI. Please register now if you have not been able.
2016-10-21: The exercise slots are set up. Please assign to the exercise slots in MÜSLI. This happens on a first-come first-served basis. Please also see the respective announcement within Moodle.
2016-10-18: Please fill in the Doodle survey regarding the exercise slots until Thursday, October 20, 1 pm. The link to the survey is provided within Moodle. The exercise slots will be announced via Moodle by Friday, October 21, and we would like to ask you to assign for the exercises right after within MÜSLI and Moodle. The password for Moodle access has been provided in the lecture. Exercises start only next week and have to be handed in in Moodle.


Prof. Dr. Filip Sadlo


Dennis Aumilleraumiller@stud.uni-heidelberg.de




This lecture starts with the technical and biological fundamentals of image representation and perception. Based on physical considertations regarding material properties and lighting, we will discuss image generation by means of raytracing. We will also treat efficient geometric modeling of virtual worlds, as well as texturing of surfaces. Interactive 3D graphics will be based on GPU programming using OpenGL. Rasterization of lines and polygons into image pixels and the represtation of curves and surfaces will also be addressed.


  • Introduction
  • Perception and Color
  • Raytracing
  • Transformations
  • Rasterization
  • OpenGL
  • Textures
  • Curves and Surfaces
  • Spatial Data Structures



Tuesday   14:15–15:45   INF 205, SR B   [Moodle] [LSF]
Wednesday   11:15–12:45   INF 205, SR B   [Moodle] [LSF]


Tuesday     16:15–17:45     Philosophenweg 12, room SR59     [Moodle] [MÜSLI] [LSF]
Wednesday     14:15–15:45     Philosophenweg 12, room SR59     [Moodle] [MÜSLI] [LSF]

Suggested Prerequisites

  • Einführung in die Praktische Informatik
  • Programmierkurs
  • Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
