Lecture: Computer Graphics (Modul ICG)
[LSF] [MÜSLI] [Moodle]
2018-06-12: |
On June 13, the lecture will take place in the conference room (INF 205, 5th floor). |
2018-04-25: |
The room for the exercise lessons has changed! On May 8 and May 15, the lessons will take place in SR 00.001 (INF 230, COS, ground floor). Starting from May 22, the lessons will take place in SR 00.004 (INF 230, COS, ground floor). |
2018-04-25: |
There will be no exercise lesson on May 1, due to holiday. Still, we hand out a new exercise sheet on April 30, as usual. |
2018-04-23: |
The exercise lessons will take place Tuesday 11.15–12:45 in SR 4 (INF 205, Mathematikon). |
2018-04-21: |
As a result of the the Doodle survey, the exercise lessons will take place Tuesday 11.15–12:45. The first exercise will take place Tuesday, April 24. Handout of the exercise assignments will be Monday morning, and they are due the following Monday 9:00 am CEST. The room for the exercises will be announced this Monday, April 23. Please register now in MÜSLI |
2018-04-18: |
Please notice that the original exercise slot (Thursday 14:15–15:45) is not available. Please participate in the respective Doodle (see link inside Moodle) until Thursday 19, 1 pm!. |
2018-04-16: |
Lecture starts tomorrow, 2018-04-17. |
Prof. Dr. Filip Sadlo
kai.sdeo@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de, sadlo@uni-heidelberg.de
This lecture starts with the technical and biological fundamentals of image representation and perception. Based on physical considerations regarding material properties and lighting, we will discuss image generation by means of raytracing. We will also treat efficient geometric modeling of virtual worlds, as well as texturing of surfaces. Interactive 3D graphics will be based on GPU programming using OpenGL. Rasterization of lines and polygons into image pixels and the representation of curves and surfaces will also be addressed.
- Introduction
- Perception and Color
- Raytracing
- Transformations
- Rasterization
- OpenGL
- Textures
- Curves and Surfaces
- Spatial Data Structures
Tuesday | | 14:15–15:45 | | INF 205, SR B | |
Wednesday | | 11:15–12:45 | | INF 205, SR B | |
Tuesday |
11:15–12:45 |
INF 230 (COS), SR 00.004 (on May 8 and May 15 in SR 00.001) |
Suggested Prerequisites
- Einführung in die Praktische Informatik
- Programmierkurs
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen