Dr. Susanne Krömker, Prof. Dr. Filip Sadlo
The Hauptseminar "Computergraphik und Visualisierung" is a forum where current research from computer graphics and visualization, including theses, is presented and discussed. We strongly encourage students conducting practical courses, Bachelor's and Master's theses in this field to participate. Please notice, however, that no credit points can be earned for this course.
Monday, 16:15–17:45, INF 205, SR 10 (or heiCONF)
Online Presentations
Join online presentations by entering the virtual seminar room.
Date | Speaker | Title |
September 13, 2021 | Benedikt Pfahls | Higher Order Periodic Orbits in 3-dimensional Vector Fields (online presentation) |
August 16, 2021 | Frederick Schenk | Fahrzeugsimulation in der Godot Game Engine (online presentation) |
August 16, 2021 | Ania Dymanus/Johannes Eschbach | Virusepidemie als Serios Game in der Unity Game Engine (online presentation) |
July 19, 2021 | Lily Djami | Ambient Occlusion in 4D (online presentation) |
July 5, 2021 | Roman Pulgrabja | Local Visualization of Loss-Landscapes of Neural Networks (online presentation) |
June 28, 2021 | Julia Baum/Sonasha Auer Wilkins | Visualization of Multivariate Data with Continuous Star Glyphs (online presentation) |
June 21, 2021 | Prisca Gestrich | Ray-Tracing of Implicit Surfaces in Four Dimensions (online presentation) |
June 21, 2021 | Jan Philipp Bullenkamp | Applications of Discrete Morse Theory (online presentation) |
June 14, 2021 | Larry Harbrecht/Maximilian Schöneberger/Tassia Heuser | Corona-Dashboard (online presentation) |
June 07, 2021 | Özcan Özteke | Physically Based Graph Layout (online presentation) |
June 07, 2021 | Martin Mende | Reflection-Absorption Models in Volume Rendering (online presentation) |
May 10, 2021 | Boyan Zheng | On the Visualization of Hierarchical Multivariate Data (online presentation, different link) |
May 03, 2021 | Lutz Hofmann | Local Extraction of 3D Time-Dependent Vector Field Topology (online presentation, different link) |
May 03, 2021 | Jan Straub/Paavo Streibich | Nicht-Euklidische Geometrie als Spielidee (online presentation, different link) |
April 26, 2021 | Antonia Schlieder | Personality-based Visualization with Cartoonizing Filters (online presentation, different link) |
April 26, 2021 | Lutz Hofmann | Extraction of Distinguished Hyperbolic Trajectories for 2D Time-Dependent Vector Field Topology (online presentation, different link) |