Point-Based Graphics and Visualization

Excerpt (Random Selection):

G. M. Machado, F. Sadlo, T. Ertl:

Image-Based Streamsurfaces

In Proceedings of 27th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, pp. 343–350, 2014.


Streamsurfaces are of fundamental importance to visualization of flows. Among other features, they offer strong capabilities in revealing flow behavior (e.g., in the vicinity of vortices), and are an essential tool for the computation of 2D separatrices in vector field topology. Computing streamsurfaces is, however, typically expensive due to the difficult triangulation involved, in particular when triangle sizes are kept in the order of the size of a pixel. We investigate image-based approaches for rendering streamsurfaces without triangulation, and propose a new technique that renders them by dense streamlines. Although our technique does not perform triangulation, it does not depend on user parametrization to avoid noticeable gaps. Our GPU-based implementation shows that our technique provides interactive frame rates and low memory usage in practical applications. We also show that previous texture-based flow visualization approaches can be integrated with our method, for example, for the visualization of flow direction with line integral convolution.

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Reviewed Journal Papers
M. Bußler, P. Diehl, D. Pflüger, S. Frey, F. Sadlo, T. Ertl, M. A. Schweitzer:
Visualization of Fracture Progression in Peridynamics
Computers & Graphics, vol. 67, pp. 45–57, 2017.
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Reviewed Conference Papers
P. Diehl, M. Bußler, D. Pflüger, S. Frey, T. Ertl, F. Sadlo, M. A. Schweitzer:
Extraction of Fragments and Waves After Impact Damage in Particle-Based Simulations
In Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VIII, Springer International Publishing, pp. 17–34, 2017.
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Reviewed Conference Papers
G. M. Machado, F. Sadlo, T. Ertl:
Image-Based Streamsurfaces
In Proceedings of 27th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, pp. 343–350, 2014.
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Reviewed Conference Papers
C. Pagot, J. Vollrath, F. Sadlo, D. Weiskopf, T. Ertl, J. L. Comba:
Interactive Isocontouring of High-Order Surfaces
In Scientific Visualization: Interactions, Features, Metaphors, Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, pp. 276–291, 2011.
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Book Chapters and Other Publications
F. Sadlo, T. Weyrich, R. Peikert, M. Gross:
A Practical Low-Cost Scanner for Geometry and Appearance
In Point-Based Graphics, Elsevier, pp. 49–66, 2007.
Available files: [BibTeX] [URL]

Reviewed Journal Papers
M. Waschbüsch, S. Würmlin, D. Cotting, F. Sadlo, M. Gross:
Scalable 3D Video of Dynamic Scenes
The Visual Computer, vol. 21, no. 8–10, pp. 629–638, 2005.
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Reviewed Conference Papers
F. Sadlo, T. Weyrich, R. Peikert, M. Gross:
A Practical Structured Light Acquisition System for Point-Based Geometry and Texture
In Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Point-Based Graphics, pp. 89–98, 2005.
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